Boat in harbor

Boat in harbor

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Fried Chicken in a gas station...WOW! DELISH!!!

Our travels to Columbia, NC took us over 5 hours, we had some rain and the winds were picking up. There was one swing bridge right before our turn into the channel that we were nervous about. If winds get too strong the bridge master can stop openings. We lucked out yet again and winds stayed steady, not increasing...but it was strong enough that we had a choppy ride once we turned into the channel toward the marina. Thankfully it was a short channel!
The water looks like root beer
We passed a tow...something we haven't had to do in a LONG time.
Our marina for the night is a truck stop along a major road. Something we aren't used to hearing, lots of car traffic. The car noise did not bother us at all. The truck stop includes a restaurant that is known for their fried chicken and burgers...of course we HAD to try the fried chicken! AND IT WAS FABULOUS!!! You can order some to go as well, but you have to have your order in before 6pm.

The truck can see Knot Sew Easy in the back. We really enjoyed the staff here and the food was delicious!
Our plates are empty! The chicken was wonderful and homemade!
Lots of great spots for Crocket to run only it rained so much it was a muddy mess
Not much more to do around here, we were a bit tired so we called it a lazy night.

We don't have a long run tomorrow, so we are going to hang out a bit in the morning. I'm excited to enjoy a fried chicken and biscuit sandwich for breakfast, the dock master, Logan assured me it is amazing!

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