Boat in harbor

Boat in harbor

Thursday, April 14, 2016

What's up Iguana?!?

Ben took this photo from our head, we left the window open and were afraid he was going to come in for an unwelcome visit.
Iguanas are considered an invasive species here in Florida. They cause harm to plants, insects and the burrowing owl. It is believed they came to the Florida Keys as stowaways on ships bringing fruit from South America. While they do not pose a threat to humans or animals, they are destructive with their eating habits of flowers and plants. Many residents find them a nuisance. We have seen a lot of Iguana while here in Marathon the last two months. They never really seemed to bother me UNTIL....
We came back from lunch and found this guy...

For some reason, this Iguana wanted on our boat!

Ben sprayed him with water and got him to jump off the transom (back of the boat).

Ben had to jump on the boat and go inside to shut our window in our head (bathroom), as were were afraid the Iguana would jump in to get away from us outside. There is something creepy about having a lizard, or two, sneaking on your boat all lizard-like! After spraying him with the hose and some aggressive moves by our buddy Brent, we were able to get the lizard off and he jumped in the water and swam away. No sooner did that lizard flee and another one was on the other side thinking about stowing away! We made it very clear that Jammin Jane is no place for an Iguana! 
I now approach our boat inspecting it for that ever freaky green leathery scaled animal.

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